Jenny Darmanin

I am an experienced Year Six teacher, Senior Lead Teacher, , safeguarding DDSL, mental and pastoral Lead as well English and Key stage two Lead.

Having taught Year six for almost a decade, I recognise the importance of a successful transition process for the children. I work carefully to try to ensure the children are ready both emotionally and academically. To achieve this, it is vital that KS2 and KS3 collaborate closely to provide a cohesive transition; transitioning not only the children but also, where needed, the tools the children use to support and develop their learning.

Moving from the primary school environment to Secondary is a significant change for every child and can be challenging in different ways for many, both academically and emotionally.
It is vital that the beginning of a student’s KS3 journey is one in which the pupil can feel that great sense of achievement and enthusiasm regarding their learning and continue to challenged to be the best that they can be.

This is why I am passionate in ensuring we develop a smooth transition programme where every pupil’s learning continues smoothly through that vital transition period. To achieve this, a clear academic transition process must be in place but also a strong tutoring support framework must also be considered for every child. This is an area I would like to work with others to develop to ensure all of our pupils continue to be the best that they can be.