Rebecca has supported a number of schools within our trust and is keen to support schools (primary and secondary) to develop their music curriculum. She has also developed a music network group for all schools within our trust to share ideas and further collaborate. Rebecca is also keen to support schools to develop their performing arts offer.
I have been teaching music for 25 years, following my music degree from Birmingham Conservatoire, acting as a head of department for 20 years in Shropshire. I have managed and developed NQT’s as well as experienced teachers, including a full instrumental teaching team made up of both private and Music Service staff. I teach all key stages. I have recently applied to be an examiner with Eduqas.
Through my leadership the department is a thriving and engaging department with high expectations, inspiring, motivating and challenging pupils. Academic results within the department have been impressive. Post A-level, students have progressed to study music at range of prestigious universities and music colleges. All pupils study Music at KS 3 exploring a wide variety of musical styles through listening, composing and performing. The lessons adopt a creative and practical approach, to enable learning through direct experience and gaining appreciation for a wide range of genres and cultures. The department fulfils all seven expectations of the New National Plan for Music 2022.
There is a very strong tradition of music and music-making at Thomas Adams. The Department boasts a varied and busy extra-curricular timetable, which is enjoyed by a large number of students, with approximately 10% of the student body taking instrumental tuition across 8 disciplines. A highlight of the school calendar occurs during the autumn term when the Music department, alongside the Drama department, produces our annual show. Each term, we host a Variety Concert, showcasing the wonderful array of musical talent from throughout our school. As well as soloists, these much anticipated shows feature many of our school ensembles, including: Adjazz (our Jazz Band), Concert Orchestra, Woodwind, Brass, String Ensembles, Guitar Ensemble, Vocal Group and Chamber Choir. The music department enjoys an excellent reputation around the county and beyond, and is, therefore, involved in performing at numerous external events. The sense of community, and strong bonds, within the department are strengthened by our annual music residential which takes place in the spring.
I am married and a Mum of two boys and now that they are moving into University education I am playing more within the community. My instruments is Tuba within numerous local Orchestras and bands, and sometimes I conduct Shrewsbury brass band. Music is such an integral part of my life and it continues to motivate me. I believe music is so important for our young people and its power to quote Sue Hallam’s book “The Power of Music”.