Career Journey – Deana Stanley

Name: Deana Stanley

Current Position: Head of Science and Technology at Bridgnorth Endowed School

Previous Positions:

Teacher of science – previous schools

Head of science and technology – at BES

What is your current role, and what does it involve?

I am Head of science and technology

I lead a team of science, DT and food teachers and technicians

I manage on a day to day basis business within the faculty, including mentoring new staff

I am responsible for curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning

What has been your journey from your first role within the education sector, to your current role?

I changed career to become a teacher of science after being a forensic scientist for 10 years. I originally wanted to work in a college but really enjoyed work experience in secondary schools, and I wanted to inspire more girls to move into science careers.

I became 2nd in science department within 3 years as I naturally took a leadership role within the team. I then relocated to the Telford area and took a teaching role where I was involved in mentoring new staff, NQTs and PGCE students, whilst teaching science and Biology up to A-level.

I was successful in obtaining the Head of Faculty role at BES from September 2021.

I applied for the secondment to SLT and took this position from September 2023 onwards. As part of this role I have been leading the coaching triads project.

My recent application for Assistant Head was also successful and I will be carrying out that role from September 2024,

What do you most enjoy about your job in school?

Working with our fantastic students

Working as part of a supportive team

Being supported to further my own skills as a teacher and leader

What does it mean to be part of The 3 – 18 Education Trust?

It is valuable to have the opportunity to work together with other teachers, to share practices and improve the quality of education for our students